Sacred Art

The artwork created by Shari Landau is inspired by Spirit. Each original oil painting, mixed media piece, and archival print is infused with the vibration of Love. These pieces exist to awaken the divinity within us and the remembrance of who we are and why we are here. These works are ascension tools that serve to assist humanity in our spiritual evolution and support the shift of consciousness occurring at this time on this planet.

All prints are available for sale and are made on archival acid free art paper. 

Sacred Union

Sacred Union

Embedded in this oil painting are many layers of meaning. The holy Chalice of Love that is created between Beloveds, between Source and human, within the Self (one’s masculine energy and feminine energy), between twin flames, between heaven and earth/spirit and matter. The Breath of God “moving across the face of the deep” stirring the primordial waters and awakening creation. The Divine Mother and Divine Father gazing upon each other, the Breath of Spirit passing between them, and the creation of the Holy Child as two become One. The Presence of Infinity hidden within form.

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Into Separation

Into Separation

This mixed media piece depicts the downstepping of energy into form. It frames the shamanic awareness of an upper middle and lower world. In the upper realm we see Spirit’s breath blowing creation into existence and we see the cosmic Light pouring forth. In the middle realm we see the earthly roots and ropes, the cords that connect and bind us in the material world, the tree of life/death emerging from our bellies and the sensual explosion that occurs here as we explore the 3-D world of space and time. The underworld is a place of darkness and mystery, a place in which we sometimes get lost. Yet even here there is a luminous emerald window or portal. This is a gift to humanity from the Greenman/Pan who knows that often in our exploration of form we agree to forget who we are, we forget that we are Spirit beings having a human experience. This window is a passageway back into the awakened state.

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Queen of Heaven and Earth

Queen of Heaven and Earth

 This Queen of Heaven and Earth is a cosmic Being who serves as a link or bridge. Like a bodhisattva, Her task is to hold and sustain the earth and humanity in Her Sacred Heart. Within Her heart is the threefold flame of Love Wisdom and Power (red/ yellow/blue). She holds a white lotus in Her right hand from which a river of compassion pours forth. She is Master of the elements and keeper of the masculine and feminine principles in perfect balance (these forces are on Her left and right side respectively). Her garments are luminous and the sacred rays of creation flow from Her crown. She is especially connected to the Sapphire Ray, the planet Sirius, and beloved Queen Mother Isis.



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Spirit Guide

Spirit Guide

 I call this great Being of Light, Grandfather, White Eagle. He is a seer and shape shifter who carries great medicine, and who embodies love, compassion, wisdom and power. He holds the sacred masculine energy and can be called upon for protection. As a Spirit Guide He may help in dreamtime or the waking state. When I call upon Him to assist I do so with great reverence and gratitude, for His heart is so big, His energy gentle yet strong, and His Love so fierce.

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